Jun 10, 2007

Cooking basmati rice

I was talking to a friend in melbourne whom I call "idle girl". We used to have lot of fun in college but later lost touch. Thanks to the internet again, it not only finds recipes but long lost friends too. We were talking about our kitchen experiments these days and that was when she complained that her basmati rice for making fried rice was not coming out well. She said that it was coming out as a dough. I said "Lady u need to add a certain amount of water for cooking a particular amount of rice". She was like "is it, uh oh"... We had a good laugh. So this was what we concluded on.

As a general guideline, decide if you like your rice soft or firm, then gradually adjust the amount of water you use: 1 3/4 cups water to 1 cup of raw basmati rice makes just-tender rice. If you like a very firm texture, add 1 1/2 cups water.

So I hope she cooks good firm fried rice from now on.

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