Aug 26, 2006

The Pluto tragedy

It is really sad to have stripped of the title of "planet" after 75 years of elegance. Actually it came as a sad news for me because as a kid in school, I used to love pluto as it is the coolest planet far away from the sun. There was also one other reason to love this fellow. Eventhough the adorable doggie of micky mouse was named years later of pluto's existence, the cute one always reminded me of the round sweetheart. What is the difference going to happen if some human beings here change its category from planet to an ordinary object in space. Anyways, the teachers correcting the answer sheets of mid term examination will definitly find it difficult to give or not to give marks. A long told story came to an end. Now we'll teach our kids "once upon a time the pluto was called a planet.... and then he revolved happily ever after". Without knowing what all controversies is going on here, the little buddy continues to go around the sun.

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